The weekend of September 15 and 16, I headed to Los Angeles to support the Western X webseries at Stan Lee’s Comikaze.  It was a great time! Meeting new people and helping out with photo documenting.  Once again, we had a good turnout of Western X supporters, cast and crew.   I truly enjoy working with these people on set, and on other projects.  I am so happy to be a part of this project.

Western X table

Face Off.  Special effects makeup show on syfy

The one and only: Stan Lee.

This was one of my favorite things at Comikaze.  Wall e!  I had read an article about inventors creating this little guy and then there he was!  Very cool! Here is the article:

This kid knew his stuff!  A dead ringer for Gonzo’s voice.  It was a lot of fun!

Myself and Victoria Paege chatting with Gonzo.

Dan “Dice” Narciso, Elvira (Cassandra Peterson) and myself.  She looks stunning with and without her Elvira makeup!

The time and energy people put into these cons proves successful! They look great!

A great time in LA!