Moms are superheros.  They create life.  They raise children.  They are intelligent, strong and beautiful. That alone is enough to create an empowering shirt.  But it goes deeper than that.  Moms come in all forms and support systems.  Being a positive example to a child is an amazing gift that should be celebrated every day of the year.

Recently I have been communicating with Maggie’s Place.  I love what this organization does for our community.  Giving a home to women with children that need a helping hand to get back on their feet.  I created the Strong Beautiful Mother shirt from this inspiration, where $5 from each shirt is donated back to this incredible women’s charity.

I am so grateful that my sister and I were shown the support and love from a strong Mom. Our rock, our “keep everything together” supermom taught us about strength, beauty and living a life filled with JOY.  We learned to laugh until we cry.  We learned to cry, really cry, and that its OK just the same.  I am so grateful for this life where my Mom was MY MOM.

Celebrate the Moms in your life.  EVERY DAY. Soak up any amount of time you have with them.  Say thank you and I love you.  Take nothing for granted.

Shop the shirt. Stephanie Nault Makeup


